企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第八十章
2016-01-20 3836

第八十章  天人合一


Harmony between Nature and Human

An ideal, peaceful nation issupposed to have small communities with few people in harmony with nature.Although they have goods and equipment in abundance few of them are even used.They have great love of life, and are content to be right where they are.

Even though they have plenty ofhorses, wagons and boats, they won't feel that they need to use them. Even ifthey have weapons and shields, they will keep them out of sight.

Even if there are ships andcarriages, none will ride in them. Even if there are arrows and weapons, nonewill display them.

People prefer to re t a simplelife to keep knotted rope for records. they are contented with their food, pleasedwith their clothing, satisfied with their houses, and and delighted in theircustoms.

And eventhough the next country is so close

that peoplecan hear its roosters crowing and its dogs


They arecontent to lead a life in natural way,

And they don’thave curiosity to know more about their neighbors.



邻国间都可以相互看得见,听到邻国的鸡鸣狗吠, 但是,人民从生到死都不会想到背离祖国而远徙他乡。
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